About My Work

I am inspired by the energy created combining multiple forms in different mediums with contrasting textures and colors. For me, every medium has it’s own appeal. You never know what you will find when you split open a piece of EPS Foam or what kind of texture will emerge when you slice through it with a hot knife. There is a freedom and an element of the unexpected in this medium. There is a richness in the color and grain of wood. Plaster can yield an infinite number of textures. Nature can produce wonderful colors and patterns in the patina of rusted steel. The joy comes in creating pure forms that embrace these surprises and combining them in unexpected ways.

I don’t so much title my sculpture as identify them. They are created from simple geometric forms and if I title them something other than that, I take away the viewer’s opportunity to interpret the sculpture for themselves and it’s important to me to give them that.

My studio is a refuge from the chaos that surrounds us. I know a sculpture is finished when a sense of calm comes over me. I once noticed a young woman at an opening had been sitting in front of one of my sculptures for a long time. When I went over to introduce myself, she said she loved how calm it made her feel. Perfect. But if someone has a different reaction to my sculpture, that’s fine. That’s the way it’s supposed to work.